The war in Ukraine that we see playing out before our own eyes is unfathomable. Growing up as the 2nd or 3rd post-Holocaust generation we thought we had internalized the mantra “never again.” We thought we were already in an era of “beating swords into plowshares,” when the world economy will realize the futility of war and convert their military equipment to peaceful uses. And to see a war happening all over again, in full view of the entire world and all of us powerless to stop it, causes tremendous anguish, pain and confusion.
There will be no comfort until the war is over, the bombs stop falling and all those affected are able to return to their homes in peace. There will never be an answer to the needless destruction and torment that we are witnessing. But one faint silver lining may be that this war is a tikkun of sorts. The very same countries that hunted down Jews to murder them in the most sadistic ways are now opening their borders to fleeing refugees. Germany, Poland: the former graveyards have now become havens for the poor and downtrodden.
Meanwhile Russia, who were among the liberators in WWII, have reverted to be the oppressors. One country led by a mad tyrant, unleashing so much hate and evil upon the world. The premise of the book, End to Conflict, is that each of us as individuals can end conflict in the world by resolving our own internal conflicts and the conflicts we have with others. Seeing the travesty in Ukraine makes such sentiments appear foolish and naive. Can I really end a world war simply by patching things up with my neighbor, my spouse or my colleague at work? Will resolving my inner conflicts and anxieties really do anything to bring the peace and salvation this world desperately seeks?
But what we see playing out on the world stage is the power of one deranged individual to wreak havoc on millions of lives. Can’t this be true in reverse? Does not one individual have the power to rain blessings and peace and salvation on the entire world? And even more so when we band together in a spirit of love and caring and giving.
To conclude with the priestly blessing: May Hashem bless you and keep you. May Hashem shine His countenance upon you and be gracious to you. May Hashem lift up His face to you and grant you peace.
In 1 week will be Purim, the miracle of venahapoch hu. The situation of the Jewish people seemed so bleak and hopeless, and G-d reversed it in an instant. Ken tihyeh lanu!