Section 2: Inner Peace

The first step in eradicating conflict is finding peace within ourselves, but many of us live in a chronic state of fragmentation. We feel pulled in many different directions, trying to keep up with competing needs, drives, desires and goals. Inner tension can result from trying to find a balance between taking appropriate action and ceding control over what we can’t fix. We may struggle with inner doubt and lack of self-worth, and can’t understand why we repeatedly fall into the same unhealthy cycles over and over again. We wonder how to find consistency between the outer face we present to the world and the person we are inside. We sometimes feel hollow, as if we’re actors playing a role that doesn’t match who we are.

This section will grapple with inner conflicts by delving deep into Chassidic teachings, particularly the book of Tanya and the talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, to help resolve those inner conflicts and live a life of meaning, purpose and integrity.
